Our consultants are available to assist Clients with the design or completion of Pre-qualification assessments used in the tendering process. Pre-qualification assessments are used in the tendering process to enable organisations assess a potential contractors / suppliers level of environmental, health and safety competency to undertake the work. Organisations who sub-contractor some or all of their work have a responsibility to assess those companies that they sub-contractor too.
Pre-qualification questionnaires will normally look at the following areas:
- Company History
- Past H&S performance e.g. number of reportable accidents; enforcement and prosecutions by enforcing Authorities e.g. H.S.A.; County Councils
- General Health and Safety Management
- Membership to Approved Bodies or Schemes e.g. Institute of Engineers; C.I.P.D. etc.
- Company Resources to execute the project to completion
- Experience and References of similar work undertaken
- Qualifications, Training and Competence of those managing and undertaking the work
- Evidence of Safe Working Practices / Operational Instructions; Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Determining Controls
- Environmental Management and Hazard Identification and Controls
If completed incorrectly these assessments could affect you not being accepted onto the potential Clients approved list of contractors and may therefore have significant financial implications to your organisation.
By using the services of ARC Management Systems to assist with your pre-qualification assessments, you can be sure that you have the best possible chance of progressing to the next stage in the tender process. We will ensure that all questions are answered with tailored high quality responses that demonstrate your organisations competence, technical ability and capacity to provide the services or work outlined in the contract.
As part of many of these pre-qualification assessments, you are required to identify where you obtain access to competent health and safety advice. This may be either from an internal source or by using the services of a health and safety consultancy such as ARC Management Systems. To enable you to meet with this requirement ARC Management Systems offer our retained Competent Person Service.